PA Ready to Succeed Scholarship (RTSS) Program Schools

The Ready to Succeed Scholarship (RTSS) Program is administered by PHEAA in close cooperation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The program, which is funded by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, provides awards to high-achieving students whose annual family income does not exceed $126,000.

The RTSS Program, in combination with the PA State Grant Program, provides scholarships to high academic achievers to cover the cost of attendance. Up to $2,500 for full-time and $1,250 for part-time students in total awards are offered in the 2023-24 academic year. The minimum award is $500.

Institutions must be approved for participation in the RTSS Program. Each institution interested in participating in RTSS for the award year must:

  • Be approved for participation in the PA State Grant Program as of June 30
  • Be domiciled and headquartered with its principal location in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Submit the RTSS Program Institutional Application by August 15

Please note that the RTSS Institutional Application is a one-time application. Schools that have already applied and been approved for RTSS participation in a previous academic year do not need to re-apply in order to retain their participation approval.

Participating schools will nominate students to participate in RTSS. Student eligibility criteria includes the following:

  • Annual family income does not exceed $126,000 (this threshold is subject to change each year)
  • Achievement of at least second year status by having earned a minimum of 24 semester credits or the equivalent by the time that the school checks academic progress for the PA State Grant Program
  • Achievement of a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.25 as of the time that the school checks academic progress for the PA State Grant program
  • Has a complete FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and PA State Grant application on file
  • Meets all the other eligibility criteria for the PA State Grant Program with the exception of financial need (Reject E or M)

Since it is possible that eligible students will exceed the RTSS funds available, students will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis according to the date of FAFSA and PA State Grant Form completion.