Phone and text scams are currently underway targeting Erie residents and possibly other Pennsylvania residents offering “Pennsylvania Loan Forgiveness”. If you are contacted from someone stating:
“We are reaching out to you because your student loan has been flagged for the Pennsylvania forgiveness program. You are eligible to receive full forgiveness. This applies to all Pennsylvania residents. Please call our office back at (717) 573-8721 to be connected to your loan counselor. Again, that number is (717) 573-8721. Thank you.”
This is a scam! You should contact your loan servicer directly for any questions about legitimate loan forgiveness programs. Additionally, if you have been contacted about a loan forgiveness scam, a complaint may be filed with the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General.
Once you submit your FAFSA, PHEAA will trigger the next step in the PA State Grant process. Renewal students should not have any other actions to complete. First-time applicants will get an email in a few weeks with instructions to sign in to GrantUs and complete any Action Items. Follow us on social media at @pheaaaid or check back for the announcement of when emails begin, as well as other important updates on the process.
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Use our free publications to help your students get excited about exploring career and educational possibilities.
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Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Plans - Grade 3
Detailed lesson plans, with accompanying worksheets and activities, are now available for the requirements and benchmarks for Grade 3. For instructor use only.
Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Plans - Grade 5
Detailed lesson plans, with accompanying worksheets and activities, are now available for the requirements and benchmarks for Grade 5. For instructor use only.
It's My Life Booklet
This guide is full of activities and exercises that focus on career options, the importance of grades, and higher education from an elementary and middle school perspective.
Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Plans - Grade 5
Detailed lesson plans, with accompanying worksheets and activities, are now available for the requirements and benchmarks for Grade 5.
Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Plans - Grade 8
Detailed lesson plans, with accompanying worksheets and activities, are now available for the requirements and benchmarks for Grade 8.
Middle School Activity Book
These activities and exercises for the classroom focus on academic development, career exploration, financial literacy, higher education, student development, and critical thinking/logic.
Middle School Career Guide
The activities and exercises in this career guide focus on career options, the importance of grades, and higher education from a middle school perspective. Features include a career inventory, a college knowledge quiz, and information on entering the workforce.
Middle School Planner
This publication includes a weekly schedule, a daily assignment keeper, a grade tracker, and "Brainapalooza" activities to keep your middle school students on track and engaged.
Career Education & Work Standards Lesson Plans - Grade 11
Detailed lesson plans, with accompanying worksheets and activities, are now available for the requirements and benchmarks for Grade 11.
PA Student Aid Guide
This guide provides a complete overview of the financial aid process, with information on most of Pennsylvania's financial aid programs and services. Find everything parents and students need to know about paying for higher education, understand the criteria for applying for and receiving financial aid, and review the checklists and timelines.
Stay in School Brochure
This brochure targets students considering dropping out of school. Features include income information based on education level and other facts encouraging students to complete their education.
PHEAA Pocket Resume
This pocket resume is the perfect tool for job applications and interviews. Encourage your students to fill it out and take it with them for reference.
Beyond High School Booklet
This informative booklet provides students with a step-by-step guide on planning for their future, covering everything from career exploration to life on campus.
EducationPlanner Guidance Counselor Guide
This publication helps counselors guide students toward reaching their educational goals using the available resources on